A Treasure Trove of Illustration: My Experience with 3x3 Magazine

The cover of my 3X3 mag number

A Sweet Discovery at Artefiera

Remember my post about Artefiera? I left out a crucial detail: the entrance was adorned with an array of stunning books and magazines for sale.

In such places, I first become ecstatic, like a Gollum of bookstores, wanting to take everything home. Then, I remember my budget constraints and the law against theft, so I reluctantly lower my hands.

Choosing a Memento

However, when I see so many beautiful things together in a place that brings me joy, I feel compelled to take something home as a memento of the event.

This time, the winner from Artefiera was a very special magazine I found at the Edicola 518 stand from Perugia, which I hadn't known before: 3x3 Magazine.

Two pages I really loved

3x3 Magazine: A Unique Compilation

3x3 is not just the focus of this review; it's primarily an annual collection of the best illustrators distinguished in a particular year, in this case, 2017.

What I loved most was the categorization by medium rather than by country, which often is more chaotic and less relevant to readers.

From posters to editorial illustrations, from magazines to video games, the range of styles and applications is endless, and this layout helps us realize that our tastes can always find relevance, regardless of the sector.

A Source of Inspiration

It goes without saying that 3x3 is a goldmine for inspiration. The illustrators featured are nothing short of magnificent.

One of the top 10 artworks of the magazine in myopinion

Your Inspirational Sources

Do you have a magazine that inspires you? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!



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