Chiara Chimù Mulas | Graphic Design and Illustration

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Artefiera 2018 in Bologna: A Confluence of Art and Time

Bologna’s Sky between lines and airplanes

Setting the Scene

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Two weeks ago, I found myself in Bologna again, on a snowy day, which added a magical touch to the experience. I was there for ArteFiera, and honestly, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Being surrounded by artworks and art pieces is something I cherish deeply. As usual, I captured some moments in photographs to share a glimpse of what I experienced.

The Essence of Artefiera

Artefiera was impressive, but what truly stood out were the smaller events related to it, springing up in its vicinity. One such event was "Imprevedibile," a more intimate exhibition held at the Fondazione Golinelli. Though smaller in size, it was not lacking in quality. The exhibition's focus was on the future and its impact on us, aptly named "Unpredictable."

A Piece That Resonated: Nasan Tur's Work

“The Remaining Life” by Nasan Tur

On display was "Future comes anyway." I was particularly moved by Nasan Tur's piece, "The Remaining Life." The seconds ticking away in the video represent the real countdown of the artist's remaining life. My own obsession with how I spend my time, striving to make every second count, was vividly reflected in this artwork.

Connecting Through Art

What I love most about these exhibitions is their ability to connect people through art. Artists are individuals with something to say but who may not find the right words. In these spaces, we can all find a connection with some inner aspect of ourselves.

Do you have a piece of art you feel a connection with? If so, I'd love to hear about it in the comments. It would be great to see what resonates with you.