Chiara Chimù Mulas | Graphic Design and Illustration

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My Artistic Contribution to Cheap 2019: A Call for Conscious Action

A Proud Selection for Cheap 2019

My poster for CHEAP Festival’s “Sabotage” Call to artist

This year, I am thrilled to announce that my poster was selected again for the Cheap 2019 Call for Artists!

This project, "Sabotage," organized by CHEAP, is not just any art initiative. It's a platform that merges street art, graphic design, photography, and visual arts to create a collective narrative on contemporary issues.

My participation in this project is a testament to my belief in the power of art as a tool for social and environmental activism.

The Theme: Sabotage as Resistance

CHEAP Festival promotional posters in Bologna

The theme for this year's CHEAP festival was "Sabotage," a concept historically associated with resistance and activism. This theme resonates deeply with my artistic philosophy, as it aligns with the idea of using art to send a message and if possible, create action.

My Artwork: A Call to Action

My piece for the festival, featuring a hand pressing a button labeled "something," embodies the message that "doing something is better than nothing."

It's a visual representation of my belief that every action, no matter how small, is significant. In a world where many feel paralyzed by the magnitude of global challenges, this artwork serves as a reminder that individual actions can collectively lead to meaningful change.

The Impact of Small Actions

The artwork is a call to everyone who feels overwhelmed by the scale of problems we face. It's a reminder that each of us has the power to contribute positively, and that our combined efforts, no matter how small, can create ripples of change.

Joining a Collective Voice

My poster exhibited with other selected from CHEAP Festival

By participating in Cheap 2019, I joined a collective voice of artists who are not just creating art but are also making statements. We are redefining the narrative, challenging the status quo, and encouraging viewers to think critically and act consciously.

Sabotage your walls too

If you like my poster design and would like to support my work, you can find it on my webshop. If you want to take a look, here’s the link.
