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Nomi Chi's Sketchbooks: A Personal Connection with "Chimera" and "Gomen Gaijin”

Latest update: 23 Febrary 2024

Chimera and Gomen Gaijin by Nomi Chi, published by Von Zos

Personal Note: Right now the author has changed his name into Makoto Chi. I left the old name just because it was the one he used at the time when he published these books but I wanted to mention it out of respect for him.

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A Dream Come True

Ok guys, I can die happy now, I have in my hands two of Nomi Chi’s sketchbooks.

She is one of my favorite illustrators and tattoo artists, and I've been following her work since Deviantart (means many years now). To give you an idea, I've kept the back of my neck free from tattoos because I dream of having a rabbit tattooed by her there one day.

Special December Gifts

This December, I decided to treat myself to something special, and here they are: "Chimera" and "Gomen, Gaijin!" Along with these books, I received some adorable postcards, which I absolutely love.

Everything you see is published by Von Zos, based in NY, and they have a super sweet Instagram account I recommend following.

Intimacy Beyond Art

These two books are special because they aren’t just usual sketchbooks or artwork collections. They are intimate. Featuring pictures, stolen pages, and details, these books don’t elevate the author to an unreachable level; instead, they make you feel what she felt.

I can imagine Nomi Chi drawing in her Moleskine while traveling, the tremble of a train or car in the raw lines.

A peek of a sketch from Gomen Gaijin

As someone who always carries a sketchbook while traveling, I understand and find this connection beautiful. I know I sound like a fangirl, and I am, so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Exploring Nomi Chi's Works

If you're interested in Nomi Chi's works and these books, you can find more information on her website and Von Zos. "Chimera" and "Gomen, Gaijin" are not just books; they are a journey into the artist's soul.

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