My Artwork at Pitti Immagine Uomo 2019: A Milestone Moment

The entrance of Pitti Box

A Goal Achieved

Chiara Chimù Mulas' artwork exhibited in the Pitti Uomo lounge area

My artwork in the lounge area of Pitti Uomo 2019

Did you know that my artwork was selected for display at Pitti Uomo 2019? I am overjoyed! It was through a project for the Accademia Cappiello that one of my artworks ended up in the Club area alongside other selected students' works.

A coffee at Pitti Uomo in Firenze

And I got free coffee, not bad.

The Theme: 'The Box'

The theme was the same as Pitti's, namely "The Box." Here are the two proposals I submitted, and the blue one is the piece that was exhibited.

Exploring Precious Minds: Unveiling the Concept Behind My Artworks

The diamond structure: te concept for Chimù's poster design

My concept for the box, the diamond in your head.

While brainstorming to create my artworks for Pitti Uomo 2019, I delved into the intricate beauty of the diamond's molecular structure. The technical drawing of this precious gem symbolizes the amalgamation of logical and rational thinking with boundless creativity.

Held between the two sides of a head, my pieces aim to celebrate the preciousness of both intellectual and imaginative thoughts.

Like it? Get it!

If you like one of the two pieces, this is teeny tiny reminder that you can support my work and purchase them in my webshop. Check here if they’re still available.



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