Immersing in Art at Street Inn: Where Accommodation Meets Street Art

Chiara taking a photo in the mirror with Urto's fish on the wall

Me being looked at by Urto’s fish

Planning a Stay in Florence?

If you're planning to spend a day in Florence and need a place to stay, look no further than Street Inn.

You might wonder what I know about bed and breakfasts in Florence since I live here. Trust me, I know this place well. I've toured all the rooms, and if I had to pick a favorite, I'd be hard-pressed to choose.

Each Room: A Unique Artistic Experience

Ache77, RMOGRL8120, Urto, Exit Enter and Hopnn rooms at Street Inn

A peek of the rooms

What's unique about Street Inn? Each room has been transformed by a street artist into a one-of-a-kind space. The artists involved are not just any artists; the five rooms have been assigned to Ache77, Exit Enter, Hopnn, RMOGRL8120, and Urto.

Art Beyond the Rooms

But the art doesn't stop at the rooms. Artists have also adorned every available space. You'll find stickers by Stelle Confuse, murals by NiAn and Jamesboy, and fluttering Post-Its by Post-Hit.

More Than Just a Stay

I know Street Inn well because Silvia, the owner (who you can't help but befriend), always organizes unique events, exhibitions, and evenings. It was at one of these events that I met her.

A Haven for Art Lovers

If you're a fan of art in general, and especially street art, if you like cool places, and let's face it, if you love the idea of staying just a five-minute walk from Santa Maria Novella station and a twenty-minute walk from the Duomo, remember this place. You'll thank me later.

"Be rebel, don't let street art die" by Post-hit

Post-hit message on the wall

Awaiting the Next Exhibition

I can't wait for the next exhibition of an emerging artist at Street Inn. Maybe we'll bump into each other there! Meanwhile, check out all the photos I took during my last visit. Doesn't it seem like an out-of-this-world cool place?



Finding Inspiration in Anthony Burrill's "Make it Now”


Celebrating Photography: Collettivo 4 at Fotografia Europea 2018