Chiara Chimù Mulas | Graphic Design and Illustration

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Our Journey to the Venice Biennale: A Street Art Statement on the Environment

Our artwork, selected as finalist at the Venice Biennale Contest

A Finalist in the Venice Biennale

Yes, you read that right. Along with nine other talented individuals, I am among the finalists of the "Artefici del nostro tempo" contest in the Street Art category!

Our work has been selected and will be exhibited at Forte Marghera during the Venice Biennale. Back in February, we were at the pavilion setting up our composition of graphic posters, and I've shared some images from my Instagram.

Addressing Environment and Pollution

The theme we chose revolves around the environment and pollution, aiming to raise awareness about the limited time remaining before we reach Earth Overshoot Day – the point of no return for our planet's resources.

Our Concept: 'Arresto di Ecosistema'

Our work, titled "Arresto di Ecosistema" (ecosystem shutdown), reflects on the passing time and the inaction of those who could make a difference.

The economic unattractiveness of habit reversal, the imbalance it would create, is often cited as a reason for inaction. But aren't we already on the edge?

A Call for Action

Amidst confusion and misinformation, we are the generation that wants to say no, to act, to do more. It's not enough to turn off lights, close taps, or sort waste. We need to speak up, and we want to do so at any cost.

As young communicators, a contest is a means for us, just like paper, walls, and our signs: we need them to reach as many people as possible.

Me while installing our artwork at the exhibition

Our concept for the artwork

Time passes, and those who could take care of it, don't. Reversing these habits is not economically appealing, they say. As if we are now standing firmly on the ground and not on the razor's edge. Too much confusion, too much misinformation.

We are the generation that wants to say no, that wants to act, that would like to do more. Simply turning off the lights, closing the tap, and practicing recycling are not enough.

We must speak, and we want to do it at any cost. We are young communicators, and a competition is a means for us, like paper, like walls, like our signs: they are tools we use to speak to as many people as possible.

Different themes, children of the same cause. Different languages that speak with a single voice. This is how we feel the architects of our present, actively building our future.

In a world increasingly driven by digital habits, our shutdown window tells how much time is left for our planet, and that we want to save it, or at least try. Remaining time: 12 years. Generational update in progress, let's not extinguish hope.

Different Themes, One Voice

Diverse themes, born of the same cause. Different languages speaking with one voice. This is how we see ourselves as architects of our present, actively building our future.

Raffaele and me taking care of the installation while having a lot of fun!

Digital Habits and Our Planet's Countdown

In a world increasingly driven by digital habits, our window of shutdown tells how much time our planet has left, and we want to save it, or at least try. Remaining time: 12 years. Generational update in progress, let's not turn off hope.
