Explore Food Industry Complexities in "Weapons of Reason”

Weapons of Reason cover of number 5 issue

What is it?

Magazine: Weapons of Reason
Issue: “What’s Eating The World?” (Issue No. 5)
By: Human After All Studio

A Deep Dive into Current Food Issues

Pages from "Weapons of Reason" magazine

“Plastic on our plates” article opening

Weapons of Reason, created by the design agency Human After All, tackles pressing contemporary issues. This particular issue delves into one of the most challenging topics of our time: food and its industry.

How did we get to our current situation? Why, despite producing double the necessary food, does so much end up wasted, while millions suffer from hunger? What's in the food we eat? Have we reached a point of no return, or is there still hope for our planet, or rather, for humanity?

These questions and more are answered within the magazine's colorfully illustrated pages, featuring bright but thoughtfully chosen tones by illustrators from around the world. Ready to take a 130-page journey around the globe?

Why I love it:

  • Clarity on the Current Situation: The issue provides clarity on the current state of food, tracing its history, analyzing the present, and discussing real alternatives for the future.

  • Aesthetic Excellence: The aesthetics are meticulously crafted, with incredible illustrations and perfectly curated color palettes.

  • Accessible and Informative Articles: The articles are concise and accessible to all, yet packed with information.

Who would enjoy it:

  • Environmentally Conscious Readers: If you care about the environment and are interested in current affairs, this issue will resonate with you.

  • Those Who Challenge Their Knowledge: If you enjoy questioning your understanding and encountering different viewpoints, this magazine offers that opportunity.

  • Individuals Seeking to Make a Difference: If you're looking to engage and find inspiration for contributing to change, this issue provides plenty of food for thought.

Let me know what you think and if you read it.



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