Fiore sul Vulcano

A Visual Rhythm for Firenze's Cultural Beat

As the graphic designer for Fiore sul Vulcano, a vibrant cultural association in Florence, I've had the privilege of shaping its brand identity.

Fiore sul Vulcano is about creating a symphony of events and spaces that resonate throughout the city and beyond. My journey with them involves weaving a visual narrative that reflects the energy, unity, and cultural richness of the local music scene.

Membership Cards

Fiore sul Vulcano membership cards

As “Fiore sul Vulcano” means “flower on the volcano”, I tried to make their identity a mix of both the mellow and artistic nature of music (most of the members were songwriters) with the explosive energy of the volcano that’s the enthusiasm of the people that make it real everyday.

So, when designing the member cards and merchandise, I focused on capturing the essence of it. The card was also one of the most important pieces of the plan: it's a token of belonging, a symbol of the rhythm that binds the community together.

Facebook and Event Covers

In the digital realm, my designs for Facebook and event covers serve as the first encounter many have with Fiore sul Vulcano. These visuals are crafted to be eye-catching and inviting, setting the stage for the rich cultural experiences the association offers, the opening notes to the city's musical narrative.

Fiore sul Vulcano Social Media visuals: Bugo and Tommaso Novi live

Evolving Brand Identity with Merch

Over the years, my work with Fiore sul Vulcano has been evolving with them. Together, we've developed a brand identity that's as dynamic and vibrant as the musicians we celebrated.

That’s where the “Lasciati fiorire” payoff came from: meaning “let yourself bloom” we wanted to create something that told about the growth of the association but also of the bands with it, as it served as a trampoline for many of the participant bands in the music industry.

“Da dieci”, the second sticker was a fun way to remark its Florentine roots, as it’s a common local way of referring to amazing things between young people in Florence.

For: Fiore sul Vulcano
Year: 2018-2020
Where: Firenze
Type: Visual Identity

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