Minuto Bio

The Essence of Wellness Organic Simplicity

Intuitive Design Meets Organic Essence

The design of Minuto Bio draws inspiration from the timing minute symbol, emphasizing compactness and efficiency. With a focus on reducing waste and enhancing portability, this product is perfect for the gym, travel, or any lifestyle.

Its formulation, simple yet potent, comprises only the essential organic ingredients, a direct result of the expertise and experience of the pharmacists behind its creation.

Minuto Bio embodies the philosophy that big things come in small packages. Deriving its name from 'Minuto', which means both small and meticulous but also minute in Italian, Minuto Bio stands as a testament to living a full and conscious life, condensed into moments of simplicity and organic purity.

This project was an exploration into creating a product that is not just environmentally friendly and organic but also smart, portable, and essential.

The Minuto Bio campaign animated

Organic, Zero Waste, and Wholeheartedly Yours

Minuto Bio stands out with its commitment to 100% organic ingredients and zero-waste packaging. The project's ethos is captured in the claim 'Tutto per te' or 'All for you,' highlighting the dual message of self-love and the company’s dedication to creating a product that aligns with the values of wellness and environmental care.

A billboard and few postcards branded Minuto Bio

Packaging That Tells a Story

The packaging of Minuto Bio breaks new ground in sustainable design. Crafted entirely from recyclable paper, it challenges the norm and encourages users to think creatively about reusing materials.

The campaign #Consapelove, a blend of 'Consapevole' (conscious) and 'love', is a call to action, urging the audience to repurpose the packaging in imaginative ways, enhanced by the playful and distinct illustrations on each product.

Minuto Bio packaging explained

Beyond Packaging

The narrative of Minuto Bio extends to vivid advertising animations, billboards, and postcards, each element a piece of the story. These components not only showcase the brand's aesthetic but also reinforce its core message of conscious consumerism and love for oneself and the planet.

A comprehensive link to the full thesis details the journey from concept and naming to digital strategy and market research, providing an in-depth look at the creation of Minuto Bio.

A mockup of the Minuto Bio strategy document

Download and read the full document

Do you read italian and you’re curious to see the whole stratey I created? Then leave youre email and download the PDF right now.

For: Accademia Cappiello / Farma4
Year: 2020
Where: Firenze
Type: Branding and Strategy

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