Embracing 2018 with an Italian Adventure in Umbria

The Start of a New Year

A very cool piece

As 2017 drew to a close, I found myself craving a break from the routine. December, in my opinion, is always a challenging month. I needed a holiday, a chance to rejuvenate and restore my inspiration and willpower. For me, this often means traveling, exploring new places to free my mind and reignite that inner voice urging me to return to my work.

Embarking on an Umbrian Adventure

Amazing things seen in Umbria, between street art and historic buildings

With a modest budget in hand, my friend and I decided to forgo expensive flights and instead, embarked on a road trip to Umbria, a beautiful region in our home country of Italy. Being on a tight budget made our decision simple, and soon we were packed and ready, excitement in tow.

Discovering the Charms of Umbria

Our journey took us through several stunning towns: Città di Castello, Perugia, Assisi, Spoleto, Narni, Todi, and Orvieto. We embraced the tourist experience, visiting notable art exhibitions along the way. The Alberto Burri exhibition in Città di Castello was particularly memorable, although photography was not allowed, too bad.

Unexpected Art in Perugia

In Perugia, we stumbled upon a delightful exhibition at the National Archaeological Museum of Umbria. It was a sweet and unexpected find, adding a unique flavor to our trip.

Falling for Spoleto

How cute is Spoleto?

Spoleto, a quaint and charming town, quickly won my heart. There, we explored the Visual Arts center at Palazzo Collicola.

Amazing things seen in Umbria, between street art and historic buildings

The way modern art was intertwined with the building's ancient structure was poetically beautiful. I only wished we had more time to lose ourselves in its artistic maze. I even found a continuation of myself there…

A black and white abstract street art piece

Me just being myself and loving every black and white pattern

Meh, yup, bad joke …but I love that pattern indeed.

Continuing the Journey

Our schedule kept us moving, and we continued to explore the beautiful locations I listed earlier. Todi's Cathedral, Giotto's paintings in the Assisi church, the Orvieto cathedral, and the quaint streets of these towns left lasting impressions on me.

The inside of Todi's Cathedral

Todi’s Cathedral

Welcoming the New Year in Orvieto

We welcomed the New Year in Orvieto. The lack of sleep was evident on my face, as captured in this incredibly pretty photo taken by my friend Michele (thank you, I guess).

Chiara very sleepy with Orvieto on the background

Me sleeping while walking, just pay attention to the crazy looking city behind me

Reflecting on Artistic Inspirations

Back home, I rested and reflected on the last art exhibition I visited in Pisa – the Escher exhibition. His linocuts, xylographies, lithographies, and etchings were remarkable. Below are three of my favorite pieces from the exhibition.

Some pieces from Escher's exhibition

Three mesmerizing pieces from Escher’s exhibition

Looking Forward

As this diary of inspirational findings concludes, my resolution for the year is to work more diligently and chase a couple of dreams I've been nurturing.

What about you? How did you spend your holidays, and what are your aspirations for 2018? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below. Let's inspire each other!



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