The Heartfelt Concert in Padova: Hundred Waters and More

The t-shirt and signed vinyl they gave me

A Serendipitous Discovery

Weeks ago, I shared just half of my story. After a memorable weekend in Turin, I hopped on a train to Padova for another incredible concert experience.

When I first heard that Hundred Waters were playing at MAME Club, I couldn't believe it. Tickets for just 13.50€? It seemed too good to be true. A quick Google search confirmed it:

First and only one date in Italy. 
I had to.

The Opening Act: HÅN

HÅN performing at MAME Club

The evening began with HÅN, an artist I hadn't encountered before. Her music was a delightful discovery, setting the perfect tone for what was to come.

Hundred Waters: An Intimate Performance

Then it was time for Hundred Waters, one of my favorite bands, to take the stage. The concert was small, intimate, and unexpectedly moving. We could see Nicole, the lead singer, trying to use some Italian words and smiling back at us, creating a connection that transcended the usual concert experience.

An Unforeseen Family Reunion

After the concert, we learned that half of the audience were Zach's Italian relatives, there to meet the band. It felt surreal, being in the midst of a family reunion. These amazing musicians, who had seemed so distant moments before, were now right in front of us. We talked face to face, and I shared how much their music meant to me.

Family pic, say cheese :)

A Personal Token of Appreciation

They even gifted us a t-shirt and a signed vinyl (the picture you saw on top of the post). Words can hardly describe the gratitude and joy I felt at that moment.

If you want it too (but not signed, sorry) you can find it on Amazon.

Discovering Hundred Waters' Music

If you're unfamiliar with Hundred Waters, I urge you to listen to their music. To start, I'll leave you with Shigeto's remix of their song "Cavity." It's a piece that truly captivated me.

They sing 'Show me love,' and this is mine for them. 🖤

See you in the next post,



Embracing 2018 with an Italian Adventure in Umbria


Turin Tales: Eat. Concerts. Art shows. Sleep. Repeat.