Turin Tales: Eat. Concerts. Art shows. Sleep. Repeat.

Pretty things I saw in Turin

Exploring Turin's Artistic Landscape

Recently, I took a much-needed break from the daily grind. Life has a way of engulfing us before we even realize it. Thankfully, I have a fantastic group of friends who pull me out of my work bubble and into the world when I need it most. Let me introduce you to my crew. With these wonderful people, I explored the streets of Turin. Despite the chill, the city offered a serene long weekend, its streets adorned with captivating light installations. The space and constellation-themed decorations immediately drew my attention (see the picture right above).

My amazing crew <3

Club 2 Club Concert Experience

Club to Club stage

The Club 2 Club stage

The tranquility set in after the Club 2 Club concert on Friday. Yes, I was there for a major concert – no surprise to those who know me! I was mostly there to see Bonobo and Nicolas Jaar live.

Apologies for not having any video but my phone struggles with high volumes, producing only screeches. Trust me, go see them live, it's better than a video.

Artissima Fair 2017 Highlights

Artissima Fair 2017 entrance

The entrance of Artissima fair

During our stay in Turin, we also visited several museums and art exhibitions. Our first stop was the Artissima Fair 2017, where we spent an entire Sunday morning. The massive neon words were a highlight. I wish I could take you through my memories to show you the beautiful artworks, drawings, photos, and installations I saw. Did you catch some of them on my Instagram Stories?

Artissima Fair 2017: some pieces

Artissima Fair: some of my favorite artworks

Egyptian Museum Visit

Egyptian museum in Turin

Some stories I made while visiting the Egyptian Museum

Another remarkable place was the Egyptian Museum. If you're fascinated by ancient Egypt, this is a must-visit. The way they immerse visitors in the stories and settings they portray is incredible. Here are a few pictures to entice you further.

Some more stories I made while visiting the Egyptian Museum

Anticipation for More Cultural Adventures

After these amazing experiences, I headed to Padova for another fantastic concert, but more on that in my next post.

See you soon,



The Heartfelt Concert in Padova: Hundred Waters and More


Bologna's Artistic Alleys: My Encounter with Street Art